Category Archives: Email Tips
Email Filtering – The Perfect Option for Managing Emails
Email Filtering – Practical Significance
With the rolling of time, communication methods have changed considerably, and the traditional system of postal communication has almost stopped working. This has given way to newer ways of interactions using the internet facility. Emails are highly significant and are one of the prime ways of communication in our time. Everyone wants to receive the same without any troubles. This, in particular, is true as far as business houses are concerned, because, a delayed email may cause financial loss to the company concerned. Hence, receiving emails right in time is extremely important to all companies, whether the organization is small, medium, or large. It is here the practical nuisance of spam mails becomes perceptible.
Due to the surge of such unwanted mails, the server of the company will start clogging, and this will precipitate operational glitches. These unsolicited emails will eat up the server space and will pose problems to the normal working of the server. In brief, this will be perilous to the company. It is here the significance of email filtering pops up. Companies can install such a system to protect their servers; however, they must update the same in a regular manner. There are numerous companies out there, which provide this facility; the only thing to take care is to sign a contract with an experienced and reliable company.
Email filtering is an essential service for all businesses and is for protecting the inbox from the unsolicited attack of spam mails. Because of the aggressive marketing strategies that have become almost an essential part of modern marketing, spamming has become more or less common. This creates a lot of problems to the inboxes, and sorting out them is a hectic task. By using a filtering service, companies can prevent such unsolicited mails entering their inboxes and can thus make the mail box clean. Filtering service providers concentrate on applying the most technically perfect ways to obstruct and prevent the entry of unwanted mails in the inboxes of their clientele. For this, they won’t allow the same to enter their own servers. There will be several filters and only by jumping all these sieves, the mail will be able to enter the customers’ inboxes. These filters undergo frequent updation and modification, and thus an unsolicited entry becomes impractical. The permanent removal of these trash emails from the server puts a stop to further intrusions.
Email Filtering – The Perfect Option for Managing Emails
• This is a perfect way of eliminating the threats such as spams, phishing, and the diverse types of computer viruses. You communication-systems can stay healthy, and this will reflect in the overall effectiveness of the organizational operations.
• There will be continued inbound and outbound email filtering, which will safeguard your computer system and the documents stored in them.
• It is possible to recover the inbound and outbound mails. ‘On the spot’ recovery is another attractive feature.
• When you select a top provider, the filtering process will be accurate. There will be several layers of the filtering process, which includes anti-virus and anti-spam. Besides, the admin interface will be fully functional and will be user-friendly.
How to Select a Provider
Selecting a company that provides email filtering service is a difficult task, because, you can see a plethora of such companies. Company management will have doubts regarding the selection and the conditions that one must bear in mind while selecting a provider. The main factors to consider are the experience, dependability, and the affordability.
Experience: This is a major decisive factor. The service provider must have relevant experience and technical perfection.
Dependability: The provider must be dependable and must be able to give good customer service round-the-clock.
Affordability: The pricing must not be exorbitant. It must not make your company’s budget surge extraordinarily.
When you find that these three factors are right, you can straightaway sign a contract with such a company.
What are the Positive Aspects of Spam Filtering Service
According to the most recent spam-email traffic report, spam messages account for 48% of all internet traffic. The ill-effects of spam messages is not limited to inconvenience alone, a large number of spam emails have malicious code and are sources of phishing scams.
You need to protect your email server from spam mail by employing anti-spam solutions. Here are some of the positive aspects of spam filtering service.
Stops Spam Before It Reaches Your Server
We all know that marketing, phishing, and spam emails are annoying. Since servers and emails are most trusted, spam can’t be stopped before the message lands at your email host.
A cloud spam solution sits between your mail server and the internet and stops spam mail from reaching your mail server. It continuously monitors your email and safeguards your systems from spam threats. Cloud-based spam solution is simple and effective than on-site spam filters.
With cloud anti-spam solutions there are no complex integrations or configurations and the IT staff is free to focus on core responsibilities of maintaining systems and network efficiency.
Save Bandwidth and Storage
Cloud anti-spam solutions can reduce spam delivery by 70-90%. The anti-spam solution block spam messages before they are downloaded to your mail server. This characteristic saves bandwidth and you always have more bandwidth available for legitimate email traffic.
Without cloud anti-spam solution, a large number of spam messages would get downloaded to your email server. These spam messages would occupy a significant amount of space on your email server until the spam is deleted. The more spam you receive, the more space it would occupy on your server.
With spam filtering service in place, the spam messages are blocked before they are downloaded to your mail server that saves valuable storage space.
Improve Productivity
Spam is not only a security or an IT issue. It also affects employee productivity. According to the National Technology Readiness survey, 75% of Internet users receive spam daily. The survey reveals the average number of spam messages received by an individual per day is 18.5 and the average time spent on deleting spam mail is 2.8 minutes every day.
Looking at the figures above, it is not hard to imagine a large amount of time spent by your employees dealing with spam messages. According to InfoWorld report, organizations lose around 1.4% employees productivity every year due to spam messages. The report also reveals the monetary loss due to spam messages can be around $874 per employee per year.
With anti-spam solutions in place, your employees would not be wasting time deleting spam messages and can focus on their work which would save thousands of dollars every year.
Low Cost of Ownership
On-premise anti-spam solutions require your organization to make huge investments in on-site infrastructure. Some of the costs include special hardware, software licenses, physical space to house servers, and IT staff to maintain anti-spam solution.
When you choose cloud anti-spam solutions, you are not required to spend a hefty amount on infrastructure or technology required to keep anti-spam solution working. According to Mailguard findings, the cost of ownership of a cloud-based anti-spam solution is 5-10% lower than an on-site anti-spam hosted solution.
Faster Setup
It can take months or even a year to set up an onsite anti-spam solution for your organization. During this period, the threat of spam messages would loom over your organization and also cause productivity losses. Not to mention the downtime in case of regular maintenance.
Cloud anti-spam solutions don’t need any specialized hardware and there are no end-user software installation or complex hardware integrations on-site. This reduces the setup time and you could have an anti-spam solution working within a few days.
Effective Protection
Cloud-based anti-spam solutions employ advanced technologies to filter spam. Some of them are Domain Name Server Blackhole Lists, URIBL and SURBL Filters, Content Analysis tools, Recipient Verification Protocols, Sender Policy Frameworks, and SMTP Controls. Cloud anti-spam solutions could reduce business exposure risks by up to 99.97%.
Long story short, looking at the increasing threats from spam messages, it’s time to employ spam filtering solutions to protect your business interests.
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to comment.
Everything about Email Encryption Services You Must Know
Almost every business relies on email communication for operational purposes. But not every business takes steps to ensure that the emails are secure. If your sensitive business information falls into wrong hands, it can cost you a great deal in terms of money and clients.
The way to secure emails is to encrypt them. For businesses, it makes a lot of sense to use email encryption services to secure their data.
Here is everything you need to know about email encryption services.
What is Email Encryption?
Email encryption refers to the practice of encrypting or hiding information in the emails to prevent unauthorized people from reading them. Encryption makes the email content unreadable without authentication such as a password. So, even when an email is accessed in an unauthorized manner, it will be unreadable to that person.
What are Email Encryption Services?
Email encryption services help enterprises secure their email communication by handling all the technicalities that come with the process.
Things to know about email encryption services –
Not all email encryption services are the same. Yes, when looking for a service provider for encrypting your confidential business emails, you need a technology that is easy to use and economical for your enterprise.
It should integrate well with your existing system. If you need to overhaul your system to use an email encryption service then it is simply not a practical exercise for any enterprise. Anyone in your company using the encryption service should be able to access it without needing to acquire any new technical knowhow simply for this purpose.
Ease of use also implies that your business requires no investment in purchasing additional software to use email encryption services. The messages must be accessible through any email account. Ease of use must also be applicable for the recipients. The recipients must be able to access the emails without any hassle.
A company wishing to use email encryption services must be able to subscribe and pay for it on the basis of per user. In a company, not everyone using official emails may require to encrypt them. So, it makes economical sense to subscribe it as necessary. There are some email encryption services that offer this option so that businesses of all sizes can afford to secure their confidential email communication.
Email encryption services can really secure your confidential communication. Depending on your service provider, you can get access to powerful security features. Some of the security features you can expect from reliable email encryption services can be controlling the maximum number of times the email can be viewed or setting a timeframe for accessing a particular email. You can also use features like hiding the name of the sender or preventing anyone from forwarding an email. You can also revoke a person’s privileges to view an email.
Such security features can help anyone using encryption services feel confident about sending across confidential information through emails.
Email encryption services can help improve business processes. When you can use emails to send and receive sensitive information without security concerns, it becomes feasible to use the technology to simplify business processes.
For example, you can send and receive invoices and financial statements faster and economically through emails. You can also help your customers feel safe when sharing sensitive information with you. When your customers know that their payment and other details are safe with your business, they are more likely to use your services.
Phishing is a big security concern for businesses. By using email encryption services, you can protect confidential details about your customers from unauthorized access and misuse.
Making Sense of Email Encryption Services
Email encryption services make sense for big enterprises as they can outsource the hassle of handling the technical aspects of the process and free up their IT department for other tasks that need to be handled in-house.
For small and medium enterprises, using dedicated encryption services provides them with the security they need but without spending any money on hiring IT personnel for the task. For self-employed people and small businesses on tight budgets, email encryption services are a way to secure their business information in an affordable way.
How Protected Are You with Spam Filtering Services?
Emails are generally used in formal occasions and nobody likes to have unwanted mails in their inboxes. It is the last place you want to see ads and newsletters you didn’t subscribe to. If you are working in a business organization and receive spam mails constantly, it is more difficult to put up with it on a daily basis. To be honest, spam messages will not stop anytime sooner as spamming is too way too common and cover almost 50% of the mails in each inbox. However, spam can be avoided if you are using the appropriate methods to prevent them from entering your inbox.
Spam filtering/email filtering is one of the best solutions to avoid spamming in business organization. If you are reading this article, you might have some fair idea about the concept or at least heard about it from your colleagues or counterparts. If you are bothered by spam and wondering if spam filtering services really help in avoiding spam, this article is definitely for you. Read on to know the benefits these services offer to business organizations and judge for yourself if it is worth implementing it in your organization too.
How does Spam Filtering work?
The setup mainly includes a mail exchange record through which all the incoming and outgoing messages have to pass through. The mail exchange record is equipped with a number of spam filters, each filter having its own way of identifying and blocking spam. There are content based filters which identify spam by looking for specific keywords/phrases or certain type of attachments. There are filters which work on the basis of blacklists and block all the mails coming from a blacklisted source. This blacklist is constantly updated over time and so are the content based filters. The mail exchange record includes a combination of these filters, thus offering a robust anti-spam technology.
Benefits of Spam Filtering/Email Filtering to Business Organizations
1. Increase Productivity
Productivity can be seriously hampered when your inbox is filled with unwanted messages. You have to go through a pile of spam to find the important mails you received meanwhile. This is not only annoying but a waste of time when you have important work. With email filtering, you don’t have to worry about loss of productivity anymore.
2. Avoid Security Threats
Emails are one of the easiest ways for hackers to gain access to unauthorized computers and email systems. There is a good chance that they include malicious attachments in these spam mails and the viruses and Trojans that come through these attachments can invade your computer systems. This is a serious security threat as it will lead to information leaks and converting your computers into hosts for sending spam mails. Spam filtering can put an end to all of these security threats.
3. Compliance with data security and email standards
Business organizations are supposed to comply with many data security and email standards. The organizations are supposed to keep the data of their employees and customers safe, keep their computers uncompromised and ensure no spam goes out of their organization. Implementing a spam filtering services ensures you comply with all these standards.
4. Free Up Your Server
It is speculated that around 60% of the emails circulated in the world every day is spam. If that’s true, imagine the amount of unwanted messages that is passing through your email server. Imagine the amount of resources i.e. bandwidth, power and memory space that is being used up to process these incoming and outgoing mails. With email filtering you can put a permanent end to this.
5. Easy to Use and Implement
Lastly, email filtering/spam filtering services are easy to implement and use. You don’t need any additional hardware/software installation to setup the system. Your employees can send/receive mails using the existing mail system without any changes required. In addition, they don’t need any special training to use these services.
What are the Benefits of Email Archiving Services?
If your organization heavily relies on emails and every inbox is flooded with thousands of mails, you definitely need to know about email archiving services. In this article we will explain what is email archiving and how it benefits business organizations. Read on to know more.
Body Content: If you work in a business organization, you know how important emails are. Be it for internal communication or external communication, emails are inevitable. Emails never stop coming into your inbox and there comes a time when your inbox is flooded with thousands of old emails that you don’t need. If things out of hand, there is a good chance that you won’t be able to receive any new mails into your inbox. What do you do in a situation like this, where you don’t want your old emails but don’t want to delete them either? The answer is you employ email archiving services in your organization!
What is Email Archiving?
Like email filtering that is used to control spam and email continuity that is used as a backup during server breakdowns, email archiving is another service that third party vendors offer to big business organizations. As the name suggests, these services allow you to archive your mails on cloud-based servers so that you have enough space for your new mails. All the old mails that you don’t need any sooner will be transferred to a backup cloud server that serves as the archive of your organization’s mails.
What are the Benefits of Email Archiving Services?
1. Free memory for new mails
Though a single email won’t occupy more than a few bytes of data, imagine the amount of space required for thousands of mails of thousands of employees working in an organization. When you archive your mails you are not deleting them, but transferring them to a backup server provided by the service provider. The transfer frees up a lot of space on your main server, making way for new mails that are incoming.
2. Less burden to the main server
When the server is full of unwanted messages, it is definitely not running at its most optimal condition. In fact, a lot of resources like bandwidth, power and memory will be used in abundance thus increasing the risks of a server breakdown. When there is a server breakdown, you cannot send/receive emails unless you have employed email continuity. With the help of email archiving services, you can reduce the burden on your main email server by freeing up the memory. When there is adequate memory for new mails, the server will run in its optimal condition and the risks of a server breakdown is reduced.
3. Meet Compliance Standards
For business organizations, it is mandatory to preserve their old mails so that they can comply with HIPAA and other compliance standards. Since you can’t delete your old mails nor retain them on your server since it causes overload, you can use email archiving to store all your records in a safe place. You can retrieve these mails whenever required, details of which is explained further.
4. Easy profiling and retrieval
With email encryption services it is also easy to profile all your emails into related categories. Profiling of this kind can help you easily retrieve all of your old mails in a fraction of time. There are many legal and auditing instances when you have to retrieve your old mails. Rather than going through thousands of emails to get what you want, with email encryption you can go to specific directories and retrieve the mail you need within seconds.
5. Easy to use and install
Like email filtering and email continuity services, you don’t need any additional hardware/software installation to use email encryption services. Moreover, these services are very easy to use and your employees don’t need special training to use it. The IT team benefits from these services since the main email servers are running under optimum condition.