What are the Benefits of Email Archiving Services?

If your organization heavily relies on emails and every inbox is flooded with thousands of mails, you definitely need to know about email archiving services. In this article we will explain what is email archiving and how it benefits business organizations. Read on to know more.

Body Content: If you work in a business organization, you know how important emails are. Be it for internal communication or external communication, emails are inevitable. Emails never stop coming into your inbox and there comes a time when your inbox is flooded with thousands of old emails that you don’t need. If things out of hand, there is a good chance that you won’t be able to receive any new mails into your inbox. What do you do in a situation like this, where you don’t want your old emails but don’t want to delete them either? The answer is you employ email archiving services in your organization!

What is Email Archiving?

Like email filtering that is used to control spam and email continuity that is used as a backup during server breakdowns, email archiving is another service that third party vendors offer to big business organizations. As the name suggests, these services allow you to archive your mails on cloud-based servers so that you have enough space for your new mails. All the old mails that you don’t need any sooner will be transferred to a backup cloud server that serves as the archive of your organization’s mails.

What are the Benefits of Email Archiving Services?

1. Free memory for new mails

Though a single email won’t occupy more than a few bytes of data, imagine the amount of space required for thousands of mails of thousands of employees working in an organization. When you archive your mails you are not deleting them, but transferring them to a backup server provided by the service provider. The transfer frees up a lot of space on your main server, making way for new mails that are incoming.

2. Less burden to the main server

When the server is full of unwanted messages, it is definitely not running at its most optimal condition. In fact, a lot of resources like bandwidth, power and memory will be used in abundance thus increasing the risks of a server breakdown. When there is a server breakdown, you cannot send/receive emails unless you have employed email continuity. With the help of email archiving services, you can reduce the burden on your main email server by freeing up the memory. When there is adequate memory for new mails, the server will run in its optimal condition and the risks of a server breakdown is reduced.

3. Meet Compliance Standards

For business organizations, it is mandatory to preserve their old mails so that they can comply with HIPAA and other compliance standards. Since you can’t delete your old mails nor retain them on your server since it causes overload, you can use email archiving to store all your records in a safe place. You can retrieve these mails whenever required, details of which is explained further.

4. Easy profiling and retrieval

With email encryption services it is also easy to profile all your emails into related categories. Profiling of this kind can help you easily retrieve all of your old mails in a fraction of time. There are many legal and auditing instances when you have to retrieve your old mails. Rather than going through thousands of emails to get what you want, with email encryption you can go to specific directories and retrieve the mail you need within seconds.

5. Easy to use and install

Like email filtering and email continuity services, you don’t need any additional hardware/software installation to use email encryption services. Moreover, these services are very easy to use and your employees don’t need special training to use it. The IT team benefits from these services since the main email servers are running under optimum condition.