What is Epicor ERP & How Much Does it Cost?

In various industries around the world, one of the biggest hurdles an enterprise of any size runs into is being able to efficiently connect each company, campus, and department. Billions of dollars are lost every year just from poor management within corporations, so finding the right resource planning software should be a must for any enterprise. For those in the manufacturing, distribution, retail, or services industry, one such software is Epicor ERP.
Epicor ERP offers solutions that can help any enterprise connect and manage resources like never before, taking advantage of business analytics, big data, mobility, internet of things, as well as cloud storage and processing to provide enterprises with more flexibility and smart management. With the help of an Epicor ERP consulting firm, an enterprise can quickly discover the advantages they will gain from integration of the software, as well as how much it will cost them.
What is Epicor ERP?
Epicor ERP is a system level software that can help manage and provide planning for all resources in an enterprise, from material to accounting. It is a fully integrated ERP package that handles processes such as accounting, finance, customer relations, project management, pre-production materials planning, inventory, supply chain, human capital, global business management and much more. It is extremely flexible and configurable. When an enterprise implements Epicor ERP with the help of an Epicor ERP consulting firm, they can choose only the modules they need and don’t have to deal with bloated features they’ll never use.
Epicor also has flexible deployment options. It can be installed on servers that are on the premises. Don’t want servers on site? It can be hosted via cloud based SaS. It also doesn’t have to be deployed to every campus in the enterprise, so whether it be on a single site or many, it has integration options to rival many other types of software.
How Much Does Epicor ERP Cost?
Cost for any software installation, especially ERP software, is going to be variable and dependent on the needs of the enterprise. There is no “Free trial” for Epicor ERP due to its complex integrations, however at the base it starts at $175 per user/month. The price will go up depending on the modules that are used, and there are other considerations to take into account. An Epicor ERP consulting firm is the best option when it comes to determining the full cost of implementing Epicor ERP. The consulting firm will have its own service fees, but they will be able to help determine your needs, the modules to assist, and provide services ranging from the planning stage, all the way to helping implement the program and provide training. An Epicor ERP consulting firm will even provide software support afterwards.
Ultimately, the features available from Epicor ERP are going to outweigh the cost of purchasing, integrating and maintaining the software by improving efficiencies within the enterprise.
Epicor ERP Benefits
There are too many benefits to truly cover them all, but here are a few of the key benefits that come with integrating Epicor ERP into an enterprise with the help of an Epicor ERP consulting firm.
Flexible End-to-End Solution
One of the biggest benefits of Epicor ERP is that it can be a full integration into the entire end-to-end processes of the enterprise. This means the software covers everything from managing inventory, purchasing materials, managing manufacturing processes, accounting, budgeting, time management, supply chain, shipping, and more.
Epicor ERP software is highly modular. An enterprise that chooses Epicor ERP only needs to install the modules for the software that they need, reducing overall costs and bloat to the system. An enterprise can choose to have a rather simple Epicor ERP installation, or an extremely complex and robust management system that integrates every aspect of business operations management.
Customizable UI
With the help of an Epicor ERP consulting firm, the UI for an enterprise integration of Epicor ERP can be fully customized, right down to the UI itself. That way employees can be trained in the specific UI of the enterprise and can even make suggestions for changes that would help them complete their jobs more efficiently.
Epicor ERP Consulting Firm
Through the use of an Epicor ERP consulting firm integrating Epicor ERP can be a successful endeavor that results in a positive ROI. With their help, an enterprise can be sure that everything has been thought of during the planning phase, and implementation can go ahead smoothly. A full-service consulting firm can offer training and education for enterprise employees, as well as live support via phone, email, or in person should any issues arise.